In addition to the Initiative, a circle of sponsors ("Träger:innen") was also formed, which includes a number of globally networked foundations, NGOs and social movements. Without this cooperation and funding, a project like the Global Assembly would not be possible. Many of them have accepted the invitation to take part in the discussions and preparations for the Assembly in this circle.
Between the two Global Assemblies in Frankfurt in 2023 and 2024, the Sponsors' Circle will also be active in the organization of regional meetings. Its main task is to help select participants and prepare for the Global Assembly.
The group currently includes:
Institute of Development and Postcolonial Studies an der Universität Kassel
Institut für Politkwissenschaft der Universität Wien, Bereich Internationale Politik
Reporter ohne Grenzen
The organization of the Global Assembly is also supported by Misereor.
Other cooperation partners are mentioned by name, but have no direct influence on the course of the project. The cooperation partners currently include:
Deutsches Institut für Menschenrechte
Kassel Institute for Sustainability
In addition, the Initiative invites social movements, foundations, non-governmental organizations and private individuals to support the overall project.